Well, Well, Well, You came to the best WWF site on the
web. Oh, You Didn't Know? Well, Your Ass Better Calllll somebodyyyyyyyyyyyyy. If
this is what the Rock is Cookin then you can stay, but if it's not, well then I
got two word's for ya and thats is the bottom line, because
Stone Cold said so.... and if you don't belive me Im going to put the smack down
on Your ASS
Did you watch the
The Rock and Mankind, what a match. The match
that ended in a tie, because both superstars TKOed eatch other, by hitting each
other with charis at the same time.
Royal Rumble Results-a little old
Valentine Masacure Results
D-Generation X
Entrance Themes-This is good
Links- Not many
This site is copy right 1999, by Me